Nje aksident trafiku ka ndodhur sot rreth ores 14:00 te Rrethi Kryesor ne Prishtine. Nje veture ka rene nga lartesia e ures, mirepo per fat, ngasesi i saj ka shpetuar mrekullisht vetem me lendime trupore.
Kosovajem.com meson se deri te aksidenti ka ardhur kur nje kamion e kishte prekur veturen, e cila me pas ka depertuar nga mburojat dhe ka rene poshte ne toke.
Ne vendin e ngjarjes ndodhen te gjitha njesitet perkatese te policise se Kosoves te cilat po merren me rastin,
Kosovajem.com meson se deri te aksidenti ka ardhur kur nje kamion e kishte prekur veturen, e cila me pas ka depertuar nga mburojat dhe ka rene poshte ne toke.
Ne vendin e ngjarjes ndodhen te gjitha njesitet perkatese te policise se Kosoves te cilat po merren me rastin,
A traffic accident occurred around 14:00 today the Circle line in Pristina. A car has fallen from grace of the bridge, but for luck, its driver has miraculously escaped only with bodily injury.
Kosovajem.com learns that came to the accident when a truck had struck the car, which then has penetrated the shields and fell down on the ground.
We are spot all relevant units of the Kosovo police, which is handling the case,
Kosovajem.com learns that came to the accident when a truck had struck the car, which then has penetrated the shields and fell down on the ground.
We are spot all relevant units of the Kosovo police, which is handling the case,