Kjo video tregon nje aksion te policise se Kosoves te nderrmarr kunder idioteve serb qe kishin ardh per nje vizite ne Kosove por duke provokuar me veshjet e tyre dhe me fllamuj serb brenda teritorit te Kosoves, kete vetem serbet e bejn si nje nder popujt me te poshter ne Bote!
This video shows a Kosovo police action to be taken against Serbian idiots who had for a future visit to Kosovo but to provoke with their outfits and Serbian fllamuj within the territory of Kosovo Serbs do this only as one people with scurvy in the World!
This video shows a Kosovo police action to be taken against Serbian idiots who had for a future visit to Kosovo but to provoke with their outfits and Serbian fllamuj within the territory of Kosovo Serbs do this only as one people with scurvy in the World!